The Big Picture
Start with the relativity of time and space. Or a dance of spirals and spheres imposed by curvature, gravity, and mass, leading to planets, orbits, spins, twin helices, and galactic fissions. Then there are thoughtforms, symbols, territorial imperatives, mores. What is the driver?
Throughout the world we see so many solid, concrete, and gigantic things—the earth is so big, the ocean is so deep, and mountains, buildings, and trees all appear to be so large and stable. Also, there are so many sentient beings, and each and every one of them looks very solid and permanent. But it we think about it, where do all these things exist? They all come from emptiness. The world and the whole universe are floating within empty space. Some time ago the universe appeared from space, now it exists in space, and it will eventually dissolve back into space.1
Birth on this plane doesn’t ensure a strawberries and butterflies world, nor did it ever, though some get to enjoy well-stocked pantries, peaceful pastures, and degrees of Proustian enchantment. Others are born into slavery, harems, mean streets, favelas, and with poisons in their veins, or with elephantine or thalidomide defects. A percentage of humans end up in gulags, bogus justice systems, and child armies, plea-bargaining away precious years and lifetimes. Something deeper must define this realm beyond its pleasure domes and good or bad luck. In Hindu country, they call it karma:
Karma, a traditional Sanskrit term rendered in English variously as “action,” “work,” or “deed”—or, more popularly, “payback”—is an energy, though it operates at a subtler frequency than electromagnetism or gravity and, as such, may participate in their formation. If gravity is mass plus motion plus relativity (the space-time continuum), then karma is a predisposition to particle acceleration and attraction—cosmic and planetary settings—as well as incarnation in them.
The breadth of karma is expressed by its multiple indices of action: simple cause and effect (gravity and mass, thirst and quenching of thirst), destiny (unmanifested deeds and events from previous lifetimes manifested in a present life), and potentiation of later effects (electromagnetic-like waves stored in the cosmos as Akashic memory).2
On June 30, 2009, U.S. Infantryman Bowe Bergdahl walked off his post, a desolate Afghan hell-hole at a crossroads in Paktika Province under high command. In their vacuous bivouac, the troops had to burn everything not of relevance or current use: their own shit, plastic, uneaten food, garbage. The smoldering ashes fed a toxic ground fire that never went out.
Bergdahl’s unit had recently traveled, at risk of dozens of lives, up a hard mountain to recover a piece of broken equipment that could neither be repaired nor moved. Wanting to call this lunacy to the attention of higher command, Bergdahl meant to hike to where the generals were. It was a misassessment of the treacherousness of the terrain, its demography, and his own Idaho superboy capacity. It was also a misassessment of the degree to which anyone anywhere in the top-heavy worm imposing this occupation on its carriers cared or even knew what was going on. The Afghan War was complex, obligatory kineses without context.
Bergdahl was soon caught by townsfolk, tinkers and tent hobos, and turned over to a local Taliban offshoot, which dispatched him dutifully to the Haqqani network, a border-crisscrossing crime family living off the gradient between open Afghan territory and federally administered tribal areas in Waziristan beyond rule of Islamabad or Lahore. They took him to Pakistan where he would be untouchable by the United States.
During much of his five years in captivity, he was kept in a small pen like a dog, or chained in a dark basement. It became an advanced dark retreat in the heart of evil. He sustained injuries and illnesses—to his bones and skin and organs. One night, deep in timeless ordeal, he managed to slide his chains off and slip outside into the compound’s courtyard. He looked up and, in his own words:
It was a completely empty night. Like . . . there weren't any clouds. There was just no light pollution or anything like that. It was just a full sky of stars. And I'm just sitting there, and after so many months of being in the rooms, just being in that empty . . . like just this vast space above me, it was thrilling in the sense that things went so far beyond me, you know?
It is just that relief of knowing that the stupidity doesn't go any further than that little planet, or this little country, or a little house, or whatever it is, you know? If something is as big as that, then it's almost like you don't have to be scared.3
It is remarkable that he thought anything could be okay under the circumstances, knowing that he would soon be back in shackles and cuffs, taunted and tortured by Pashtun-speaking captors.
Yet that is our greater situation in samsara. We have moments when we glimpse the full transdimensional heavens and know what we are and what this is. We feel the intrinsic joy of rigpa, the happiness within that drives the universe and isn’t affected by events or people, whether they be lovers or executioners. We don’t know it in words. We know by a sensation that radiates through body awareness and says: you you you you.
Berdahl saw the real Great Reset: Earth itself passing through a zone of absolute space. Our planet is moving at almost 1000 miles per hour, but that is just its spin on its axis driven by a gravity of interacting spheres and the nature of space in time. We are also circling the sun at 67,000 miles per hour, almost 20 miles every second.
That too is not where the real journey is taking place. The entire solar system with the sun and its planets is orbiting the center of the Milky Way galaxy at 140 miles a second. Every second we travel 140 miles to a different zone of extragalactic space.
The Milky Way is tucked in a remote corner of a local stellar cluster on the fringes of a Laniakea supercluster of 100,000 galaxies—from old Hawaiian lani (“ heaven ”) + ākea (“ spacious, immeasurable ”)—stretching over 500 million light years. This great swarm, within which each solar system travels like a blowfish in an ocean current, is drifting toward the supercluster’s center at 25 miles per second. The supergalaxy itself is hurtling at 375 miles a second toward the Virgo Cluster, another humongous collection of galaxies some 45 million light-years away. Meanwhile the universe itself is expanding—red-shifting—at about 160,000 miles per second. That’s a lot of motion in stillness, sound in silence, reset in stability.
If we think of cosmic space as a uniform, extensible expression of inviolable laws of nature issuing from the unbidden command of gravity, then all this movement is incidental until a collision or other cosmic crisis occurs; but if we think of interstellar space as an expression of interdimensional and transdimensional territory, then everything is changing all the time at cumulative rates relative to fixed points: apices of transmutation, superposition, precession, and transmigration.
In that arena, we are moving irreversibly from a Piscean to an Aquarian kalpa in kali yuga, as we once moved from the terrestrial Middle Ages to the birth of cities to an industrial revolution to a digital age and the quantum beat at the heart of matter.
My friend Sean Murphy tells me that he has been talking by Zoom with a woman in Singapore who herself has been communicating with an intelligence cluster from Arcturus (different platform, of course). Since Sean learned remote viewing from super-psychic Cyndi Dale, he hailed and apprised this intelligence and reports that it is truly remarkable, beyond anything happening here—very wise, extraordinarily compassionate, and as optimistic as a thoughtform can be upon finding itself in a scene of dust and fire, whether it be cephalopod or hominid, and despite every entity’s crisis of survival.
What I intuit is that the Arcturian swarm, rumored to be in the ninth or eleventh of our dimensions, cares enough about us to pay attention where we are. It not only cares; it can’t not pay attention and be what it is. So that makes us and our sphere as latently and dormantly wise as it is, despite our warps. A vivid, engaging, and provocative reality has crystallized with us at this frequency, as Pandoran as it is Atlantean, for we interest beings and presences in many dimensions and transdimensional realms.4
The Arcturian epiphany is what we’re about, what the angels are about, what consciousness is about, what DNA joining all life anywhere to all life everywhere is about, and what embodiment in simultaneity signifies, that one of us can’t exist without the other. We are interdependent on both Buddhic and subatomic scales.
It’s why one day a guy is running a financial-services corporation, the next day he quits, and a month later he is teaching astral projection and Reiki. A government bureaucrat is composing dragon oracle cards, not just Japanese, Chinese, and Norse dragons in fancy attire, not calendar symbols, crystal skulls, griffin-like and phoenix-like dragons of triage and danger, not bronze-orange pendragons—yes, all of those—but also energy-oriented dragon waves crossing galaxies and dimensions. Those are the actual source dragons.
The laws of nature are changing, as the laws of psyche are changing. That’s how we will get to an Aquarian age, on turtle back, buffalo herd, and dragon waves, as long as those turtles, buffalos, and dragons are etheric. That’s also how we get out of the current clusterfuck. That’s how we will find peace and kindness and how humankind will pass through a gateway into the next tier and ultimately the twelfth dimension of All That Is. Buddhist-Pleiadian channeler Josh Reichmann lays out the plan:
1- The First Dimension - a point or station of manifestation – Raw awareness
2- The Second Dimension - Length and Width- awareness vibrating or moving – Perceived activity.
3 - The Third Dimension – Length, Width, Height – Awareness with agency or choosing
4- The Fourth Dimension- Time, Awareness of change, decay, entropy, evolution, mutation, death, rebirth unending
5 - The Fifth Dimension - Perceiving time beyond the present- Akashic Records etc. Feeling with all senses into the elasticity of time and space.
6 - The Sixth Dimension - Occupying space as different embodiments and perceivers or beings anywhere across space-time at will.
7 - The Seventh Dimension - Occupying time and space at the same moment as different embodiments and perceivers at will.
8 - The Eighth Dimension - Occupying space and time as different embodiments at any moment.
9 - The Ninth Dimension – One or many embodiments or non-embodied state, formless consciousness awareness or manifest awareness body in multiple locations and times as multiple beings or awareness.
10. - Creator mind, manifesting universes within and across all dimensions
11 – Omniscient mind aware of all universes, creating as many as it wishes.
12 – Unfabricated, all form and formless realms at once. Inconceivable awareness.5
Yet here we are, in Length, Width, and Height. In WBEZ-Chicago’s “Serial Podcast,” narrated by journalist Sarah Koenig (she also told Bowe Bergdahl’s story in season two), “Episode One” of the third season (dealing with the Cleveland court system) was entitled “A Bar Fight Walks Into the Justice Center.” It featured a twenty-one-old woman, described by Koenig as pretty and slight. She stopped at a Cleveland pub with a lady friend and was repeatedly pinched and slapped on the butt by a male stranger. While this was going on, she was eyed hostilely and jealously by bruiser babes down the bar.
By the time a vintage brawl had run its course, the target of unrequested touching had been pummeled and stomped by both genders. Yet she was the only one arrested because she inadvertently socked an off-duty police officer trying to break it up. She was acquitted but did jail time, lost her job, and accrued court costs well beyond her means.
Koenig asked her whether she knew the guy who took an interest in her butt. She didn’t. “Why do you suppose . . .?” Koenig started to ask.
“Because men are dogs.”
So it is: Trump, QAnon, Cancel Culture, Virtue Signaling, COVID-19, Deconstructive Backwash, Medical Tyranny, the Chinese Communist Party, Sudan, Saturnalia, Krakens, and Missiles. If there are twelve dimensions of All That Is and we’re gridlocked at three, we’ve got time and space to resolve all this and turn it into what it is.
1.Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche & Kenpo Tsewang Dongal Rinpoche, The Essential Journey of Life and Death, Volume 2: Using Dream Yoga and Phowa and the Path, pp. 58-59.
2. Richard Grossinger, Bottoming Out the Universe: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing (Rochester, Vt.: Park Street Press, 2020).
3. Sarah Koenig, “Dustwun,” Serial Podcast, Season 2, WBEZ, Chicago, 2015.
4. Sean adds these turkeys:
A look at them will change everything about your situation on this planet. As a friend said, there is more happening here than I was aware of a moment before—Hamlet remarked on that to Horatio on Elsinore’s ramparts.
5. Josh Reichmann, Channeling the Twelve Dimensions: Awakening the Human Hyperform, to be published possibly under a different title by Inner Traditions in 2024.
Geoff Young, poet and painter:
love the installment i just read...
and have shared with several friends.
tho i've been aware since i was 17
that the earth is spinning thru space
this calm desk and raindrop dripping fir tree out the window
and motionless cup of cold tea
and car parked in barn garage
remain sufficiently in place
as to neutralize the bumptious reality
of the cosmic jitterbug.
always fascinating to be reminded of the big picture,
thanks to you.